Dr. Bregje van Veelen
My research is driven by an interest in the intersection between climate governance and transformative societal change. There are three strands to my research. First, the re-shaping of climate governance by new and diverse agents of change. My PhD research adopted an 'energy democracy' lens to analyse how the multiple crisscrossings of government policies, historic norms, and new sub-national actors shape decentralised energy governance spaces. Second, the role of carbon’s diverse sociomaterialities in shaping decarbonisation in different economic sectors, which I explore in my post-doctoral research, particularly through an emphasis on low-carbon finance. Third, in both projects I emphasise diversity and difference (of social, material and economic relations), and how these are negotiated in pursuit of a low-carbon future.
My research is published in sociology, geography, and interdisciplinary journals. You can find a list of my publications on my Google Scholar profile. Don't have access to some publications? Drop me an email and I'll happily send them to you.